The high demand for marketers has led to a proliferation of marketing programs and degrees offered by academic institutions, both in traditional settings and online. With so many educational institutions offering online marketing programs, there really is no longer any excuse for not being able to pursue your undergraduate studies. However, it would not do to just enroll in any online marketing program. You need to make sure that the marketing degree you get from an online program is the best choice for you.
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1. Post University
2. Walden University
In your pursuit of an online marketing degree, one of the most important things to keep in mind is the online institution you will be enrolling with. As mentioned above, there are many online institutions offering a good number of marketing programs. However, before you even spend time comparing the different online marketing programs offered in each online school, make sure you check for accreditation. The last thing you want is to spend your resources in getting a degree that no one will recognize. Note that accreditation can be national or just regional. So if you plan on pursuing a marketing career in other parts of the country, it would be better to get an online degree from a nationally accredited institution. Furthermore, many online institutions only get special accreditation for specific programs. This means that just because their education programs are accredited doesn’t automatically mean that their marketing degree programs are also accredited. So make sure you check these details before you jump into anything.
Resource: Online Marketing Degree Rankings
Once you are sure that the online schools you are considering have accreditation for their marketing programs, it’s time to check the specifics of their programs. You should start asking questions like:
Are they offering a Bachelor’s degree or Associate’s degree in marketing?
How long does it take to finish each program?
Is the program self-paced?
How are the programs delivered? Is it purely online or a combination of online and weekend classes?
What is the program format? Is it purely online (video/live) classes, through chat/forums, or homework and activities accessible online?
What are the supplemental materials that they use? Will everything be provided or will you need to buy additional textbooks?
Do they have tie ups with corporations that will help you get your foot in via on-the-job training programs?
As you find out the answers to each question, you will further be able to assess not just the quality of the online marketing degree program, but also whether it suits your specific needs.
Once you narrow down your choices, then it’s time to find out about the cost. Call the institutions you are interested in to ask for a detailed costing for the marketing program you are interested in. Make sure you factor in everything, including any supplemental materials you might need to shoulder. Factor in discounts as well, since many online schools offer special discounts.
Remember, when it comes to pursuing a marketing degree, it always pays to do the leg work because the effects of your choices now will be felt throughout your career.