Never before has there been this many opportunities in the field of digital marketing. This isn’t surprising since this is the digital age after all. From digital displays to mobile devices, more traditional digital advertising media like radio and TVs, you almost can’t be anywhere where you’ll feel the effects of digital marketing in some way.
Featured Programs
1. Post University
2. Walden University
With so many opportunities in the field of digital marketing, you would think that switching jobs or getting a new one is going to be easy. However, in a market with a huge influx of entry level job seekers eager to join the fray, you will still need to be able to show employers that you are indeed competitive and worth picking above the rest.
If you are preparing for a career in digital marketing, and do not have a degree yet, you have the advantage of choosing a degree that will give you the ideal background for such a career. Make sure that in choosing a degree though, you pick one that will give the most advantage by choosing a major and minor combination that will give you the specific knowledge and skill set you need for your planned career. A good example would be to take an undergraduate degree in marketing and major in digital and interactive marketing. If you already have a degree that is not that directly related to digital marketing, then you can always take additional courses, to hone your skills and beef up your credentials.
Make sure you also get an internship in a reputable company to give you experience and fatten up your resume. It would also be a good idea to volunteer for a non-profit group and help work in their marketing department for the same reasons.
Once you are sure that you have the background to back you up, it’s time to write up your resume and submit them to marketing agencies and even companies that hire staff for in-house campaigns. However, make sure you do not submit your resume indiscriminately. Find out more about the agency/company and the kind of work they do. Make sure that your experience and interests are in line with their needs. Do they primarily deal with traditional ads or are more into web marketing? Or maybe they deal with all kinds of digital media, which would require you to really be more flexible. What industry sector does the advertising agency mostly deal with? Do you have the in depth knowledge or at least interest in that sector, ensuring that you won’t lose interest and even excel in the work they do?
More Featured Programs
1. Walden University
2. American InterContinental University
3. Post University
Remember, when you apply for a job, your goal shouldn’t be to just land the job, but to actually be able to contribute something. If you do get an interview, your awareness and understanding of such details will be apparent to the interviewer and will help set you apart from the countless job seekers, who may have the skills, but not the interest and attention to detail you are showing.