Getting a job in sales is not as easy as it looks. Sure there are plenty of sales jobs vacancies, but if you look into the specifics, you will find that these are usually jobs that do not pay that well and offer not much in perks. If you want to get a job in sales that will pay more than just your bills, you need to do more than just polish your resume.
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Believe it or not, having the gift of gab is not the most important thing in sales. If you are to succeed in sales, you have to be persistent, have a good network, and be very strategic about your decisions. Sales recruiters know this, and so are on the lookout for signs that you won’t cut it in sales. So before you submit your resume, perhaps the first thing you should consider is your employment background.
If you have been jumping from job to job, the truth is that a good employer will probably not be too interested in offering you a position. Unless you have a very good reason for moving from one employer to the next, it shows a lack of commitment on your part, which is truly important for anyone in sales. So if your resume shows such a background, it might be a good idea to stick it out with your current employer, so that you can build up your reputation and perhaps your character as well. In the meantime, you can always get sales gigs on the side to boost your experience and again, shore up your resume.
If you are new in sales, then you don’t have to think about the problem presented above. Instead you can go directly to planning out your approach by figuring out which industry sector, and possibly even which employers, you specifically want to work for. It is important that you learn about them in as much depth as possible, finding out about the industry trends, the strengths and weaknesses of the companies and their competition, their specific goals, products, and needs. This is important because it is only when you are armed with this knowledge that you can be able to map out your step-by-step plan on how to help them achieve their goals.
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3. Post University
Once you have your strategy mapped out, it is time to send out your resumes. However, make sure that you submit your resume via their preferred route, or else it’ll probably end up in the bin. Develop your network within the company if you have to, to make sure that your resume ends up in the hands of someone of position to hire you. If you are rejected, or don’t get an answer, just keep on signifying your interest. Do this by telephoning the office, sending an email, or pestering the job agency. Remember, this is sales, and in sales persistence pays off. Unless you are told to completely stop bothering them, just keep at it until you get an interview, and eventually land a job.